JANDA BAIK – Friends of Janda Baik's Blog (FOJB)

promoting & preserving the natural beauty & development of Janda Baik

Archive for Fresh Water Fish

Fresh Water Fish & Organic Food

chalet near fish pond

Pak Ali's fish farm

fresh water fish

FOJB (Friends of Janda Baik) : We came across one local fish farm over a rubber plantation area. Pak Ali, in his early 50s, built his fish pond behind his humble timber village house about 5 years ago. It was late afternoon and when when we reached there, Pak Ali was still busying netting fish in his pond.

“Assalamu’alaikum !(peace be upon you)” greet us to Pak Ali. Pak Ali in far distance replied ” Mu’alaikumsalam ! (peace be upon you too)”. He hurriedly came to greet us. His smile make us feel utmost comfortably welcome.

Pak Ali and his 15 y.o. son were netting their fish as the local buyer came over a while ago. There are 2 big ponds and we could see his son busy netting the fish in one of the pond with hefty fresh catch.

Pak Ali brought us around his pond. There’re also a large section besides his pond where he grew chilis and tropical fruits. A little chalet not far from the pond is where his eldest son stay when he came back home over the weekend.His eldest son runs a trading company base in a town about 1 hour drive from Janda Baik.

We can’t help ourself wondering how tasteful the fresh fish will be like and and asked Pak Ali if he could catch some for us. Pak Ali caught 3 different types of fresh water fish called ‘Jelawat’, ‘Talapia Merah’ and ‘Talapia Hitam’. 3 fish weight nearly 2 kg, but Pak Ali sell for the amount of 1.5kg. “Halal, I sell with this amount to you” Pak Ali said, while handling the fish to us. We replied ” Halal, we bought this amount from you”. This is a verbal selling-buying contract, and ‘Halal’ implies both parties are happy and agrees with the price and quality of items sold/bought witnesing before Al-Mighty Allah and that no claims shall be made in the Hereafter.

We drove back to FOJB hut Janda Baik and our local friend Abang Salleh offer to cook for us. Someone told us that he is a good cook. We cant wait. After offfering his Maghrib solat (pray) , he got down to his prep. Local herbs and ingredients were all readily available to be freshly plugged. Fish cut and washed, herbs mixed and grinded. Clay pots, wooden spoon, stone grinder. All set-up, rice cook. Fish merinade and fried. Chili paste done. By 45 mins, all ready.

We were amazed on how simple local food were prepared, a fresh organic healthy locally produce food. How does it taste? YUMMMMMMMY ! We must say that Abang Salleh is indeed a brilliant ‘chef’!

A bless of organic food.